February 4, 2013

Share the Love: 2013

My friend Annie is a blogger.  She is the reason I started to blog.  I love to read her blog and keep up with what is going on in her daily life and to learn things along the way.  
I met her year's ago at work. She has an unmatched love for life, family, friends and the Lord and she is an inspiration to me daily. So when I read her blog The Farrar Four today and saw that she is involved in a "share the love" event with her friend Lyndsay from Pink Coffee Photo I had to learn more.  

Here's the simple - Two weeks of random acts of kindness to share the love.  
You can journey on over to their linked websites above for all the particulars about "linking up" on the 14th.  I've already asked Annie about that because I am a "personal" blogger and I am not so sure about the "linking up" portion of the event.  

So what will your first act of kindness be???
Tweet it, Instagram it, Blog it, Facebook it and Share the love. 


  1. I love you!!!!!! You are so sweet! I'm flabbergasted by your description of me!!!!!! Thank you for spreading the word!!!! I shared the love today. E is home sick so after his drs appt we stopped for slushies. We picked up an extra for my nana and took it to her!!!! I loved explaining to Easton why we were doing it! Looooove you!!!!! And thank YOU for sharing the love on Friday without even knowing it.... With my card at the funeral home!!!!! Muuuuuuaaaaah!!!!!!

    1. It is a very true description Annie! I shared the love with some Shipley's donuts this morning. It was great to see people walk away with a smiling face after I told them about "sharing the love" even if they didn't want a donut. One guy said he was trying to fit back into his two piece for the summer :)

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