February 7, 2014

Share the love - angels among us

It's amazing how friends, coworker, and strangers can even be angels among us in our everyday life.  
I asked a few friends for help in finding an Origami Owl designer that would be willing to have an impromptu Origami Owl party at my mother in laws house sometime soon.  Debbie had been showing me her Origami Owl jewelry and telling me how much she loved it.  She talked about how she wished that we could go to a party even though she hasn't felt much like getting out lately.  I thought it was a long shot but I decided to try & find someone local that would come to the house.  I shot a message to a few friends and within 24 hours I had 2 consultants willing and ready to come on such short notice.  These two ladies aren't just selling jewelry - they're serving a higher purpose to make someone who is feeling pretty crappy some days to have a few hours of fun.  I can't thank either of them enough.  I'll try to post some pictures from our party that we have this Sunday but in the meantime I am going to share their Origami Owl websites with you.  

Thank you Heidi for so readily agreeing to do what ever you had to in order to make this work and for sharing your story with me.

Thank you Aurora for also contacting me back and for the words of encouragement and light that you sent to me.  

These two ladies are angels in disguise just like the sweet friends that jumped at the chance to help me find someone to make this party happen so quickly.  My friends know me.  They know my life.  They know when a simple call, card, or word of encouragement will push me through the day.  These ladies didn't know me but they did the same for me.  God puts people where you need them them most.  

I have had the love shared with me today in so many ways it's hard to count.  
Please go out and share your love!  The world needs it.

February 5, 2014

Share the Love 2014

Last year I participated in a February Share the Love event.  February so far has been super busy so I haven't even looked at many blogs lately to know if there is an event going on. 

So - I am challenging YOU during the month of February to SHARE THE LOVE.....

We all lead super busy lives (as evidence above) but if you can slow down for a minute to do just a little something nice for someone - a friend, family member or even a stranger - it'll make your heart full.  I am not talking about spending tons of money, in fact you don't have to spend any at all...just do a random act of kindness

Let that person with 3 items check out in front of you at the store
Help someone less able to pump their gas or open a door
Send cards to friends just to say thanks for being my friend 
Bring donuts / bagels to your office
Call someone who you haven't spoken to in a while
Spend uninterrupted time with your spouse / children / grandchildren
Pay for the next person in line's coffee 
Offer your time to a charity - or to a friend with kids in need of a night out
Visit with family for no special occasion

So often we let these types of opportunities pass us by because we simply don't have time.  I challenge you to make time. 
So take one step back from your day to day...slow down...and make someone else's day.